

  • Bayram ÜNVER
  • Emin ALICI

J Turk Spinal Surg 2000;11(4):43-48

The length of hamstring muscles affects pelvic tilt and lumbar curve. Tight hamstring muscles limit hip mobility during activities and cause the vertebral column to be overloaded in majority of movements performed without bending the knees. The result is chronic back and low back pain. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of stretching duration and stretching techniques on patients who have low back pain with hamstring tightness vvithout any accompanying neurologic deficiency. 40 patients were randomly divided into four groups, 10 patients in each group. İn group one 30 seconds passive, in group two 60 seconds passive, in group three 30 seconds hold-relax and in group four 60 seconds hold-relax stretching exercises were administered. The treatment period was of two months duration and each patient received 3 sessions per week and 10 repetitions per session. After treatment a reduction in low back pain and improvement in functional level, was observed in ali groups, (p<0.05). Active and passive stretching exercises are effective in relieving hamstring tightness. Compared to passive stretching, active stretching techniques were found to be more effective (p<0.05). The passive stretching of 60 seconds duration, compared to that of 30 seconds duration, was found to yield more flexibility (p<0,05), Hovvever, no difference was found, in terms of relieving hamstring tightness, between the hold-relax technique of 30 seconds duration and that of 60 seconds duration. İn conclusion, relieving hamstring tightness helps to prevent the development, continuation and recurrence of back problems. Active stretching techniques can be preferred to passive stretching. A 30 seconds duration is enough in active stretching exercises. Hovvever, a 60 seconds duration is suggested for passive stretching.

Keywords: Low back pain, Hamstring tightness, Passive stretching, Active (Hold-relax) stretching, Stretching duration