Original Article


  • Ahmet Tolga EROL
  • Sinem GERGİN
  • Hanife Gülden DÜZKALIR
  • Recep BAŞARAN
  • Ali Haluk DÜZKALIR
  • Evren AYDOĞMUŞ
  • Selçuk ÖZDOĞAN

Received Date: 14.10.2015 Accepted Date: 17.12.2015 J Turk Spinal Surg 2016;27(1):23-27


The aim of the study is to collect data of the mean morphometric values for spinal canal, dural sac and ligamentum flavum.

Materials and Method:

We inspected 63 MRI scans of lumbar spine that obtained in adult patients who were admitted to our clinic for lumbar axial pain retrospectively.


63 patients (33 females, 52.4%, and 30 males, 47.6%) were included in the study. Accordingly, mean age was 37.7 ± 12.2 years. Mean values of measurements of spinal canal area, dural sac area, ligamentum flavum area, ligamentum flavum thickness were measured. When the measurements were compared between females and males, only L5 spinal canal was found to be different between females and males (p=0.041), and males had greater values.


Morphometry of the spinal canal and ligamentum flavum is important to be inspected by the researchers and spinal surgeons because LSS operations must be planned with these data; otherwise failed back surgery is the inevitable result.

Keywords: Spinal canal area, Dural sac area, Ligamentum flavum morphology.