Case Report


  • Kadri Burak ETHEMOGLU
  • Uzay ERDOGAN
  • Ali Ender OFLUOGLU

Received Date: 11.06.2016 Accepted Date: 25.08.2016 J Turk Spinal Surg 2016;27(4):245-248

Osteochondroma is the most frequently encountered benign bone tumor, and often it originates from the metaphyseal region of long bones. Osteochondroma is a pathology which may cause neurologic dysfunction and rare neck pain, it is rarely seen in the spinal colon. However, when it involves the spine inferior cervical region is the most affected region and usually posterior components are affected. In this paper, a case originating from C2 vertebral laminae is presented. In our case, involvement of C2 laminae is a rare condition instead of commonly involved regions. Solitary lesions have 1% and multiple lesions have 5-25% malignant transformation rate. Growth of tumral mass and severe pain are the most important signs of malignant transformation.

A 31-year-old female patient had complaints of neck pain that is resistant to all nonsteroidal anti-inflamatory drugs, and left arm for nearly six months. She has not any neural deficit. In the hospitals she has previously referred, the case was considered as a cervical disc hernia and was medically treated and has been followed up without any further investigation. CT and MRG imaging have led to prediagnosis of osteochondroma and since she has severe pain and there was suspicion for malignant transformation surgical excision was planned and tumor has been removed by a large resection. In pathological examination no malignant cell was found but all of her complaints were dissolved.

In the light of these data, when there is very severe pain close to cranial base, presence of a benign bone lesion located in this area should be considered and further investigations should be carried out.

Keywords: Cervical vertebra, osteochondroma, spinal tumor, severe cervical pain