

  • Cumhur DİNÇER
  • Çağlar BERK
  • Mustafa K. BAŞKAYA
  • Hamit Z. GÖKALP
  • Ertekin ARAŞIL

J Turk Spinal Surg 1993;4(2):68-71

Intraspinal tumors in infancy and childhood create diagnostic problems different than those of adults. Muscle weakness, back pain, gait disturbance, rigidity, and sphincter dysfunction are the most common presenting sym-toms. İn ali intraspinal tumor cases the clinical signs and symptoms are Progressive, and the neurological deficits due to cord compression are almost irreversible; but in the pediatric group, the patient has a high chance of being ambulatory with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Although plain roentgenography and myelography are suggestive, CT and MRI must be performed for accu-rate diagnosis and follow-up of these patients. İn addition to microneurosurgical dissection; intra-operative ultra-sonography, SEP monitoring, CUSA, and lasers may be used to achieve maximal tumor removal with minimal neurologic deficit. When total removal of the tumor will result in additional neurological deficits, it should be avoid-ed.

Betvveen theyears 1965-1994; 103 patients younger than 15 years ofage were operated in Ankara University, Department of Neurosurgery. Most of the tumors were located extradurally, in the thoracic region. Primary spinal tumors constituted the majör histopathological group. Nearly 2/3 of the patients clinical condition improved post-operatively.

To obtain the best results in the treatment of pediatric intraspinal tumors, we advocate early surgical interven-tion follovved by radiotherapy and/or chemotheraphy combined with a physical rehabilitation programme.

Keywords: Pediatric İntraspinal Tumors, Diagnosis, Surgical Treatment