Review Article


  • Önder AYDINGÖZ
  • Gökhan KAYNAK

J Turk Spinal Surg 2011;22(4):315-326

Vertabral biopsy is necessary for the diagnosis of most of the vertebral lesions. It may be done by open or closed methods and general rules of biopsy should be followed. Biopsy of both anterior and posterior lesions of vertebral segments may be performed with suitable techniques. A delicate surgical technique and use of imaging modalities helps obtaining enough representative tissue with low complication rates in both open and closed biopsies of the vertebra. It should be kept in mind that serious complications like infection, damage to neurovascular structures or internal organs may occur due to vertebral biopsy. All diagnostic tests must be completed prior to biopsy and it should be performed in a center where the definitive treatment of the lesion can be done.

Keywords: vertebra, biopsy, tumour