

  • Şevki KABAK
  • Sinan KARAOĞLU
  • Mehmet HALICI
  • Mahmut ARGÜN
  • Hüseyin DEMİR

J Turk Spinal Surg 1998;9(2):89-95

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the patients' satisfaction operated because of lumbar spinal stenosis, by decompressive laminectomy, and posterolateral fusion and posterior instrumentation in view of pain relief, vvalking distance and need for any external support.

Eleven patients had the procedure of decompressive laminectomy, posterolateral fusion and instrumentation betvveen the years of May 1997- June 1998, because of degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis. The mean age at the time of surgical intervention was 62.8 (45-77) years. The average duration of symptoms preoperatively was 8 (4-13) years. İn ali cases, vvalking distance was diminished when compared with the previous years. Seven patients had complained of being unable to do even their daily home activities. The other 4 patients stated that their vvalking distance without lovv back pain was under 500 meters before the operation. On CT seans, the examination criteria was anteroposterior diameter of spinal channel in the most stenosed level. This value vvas 9.1 (7-11) in average. Decompressive laminectomy vvas performed in one level in 2, in two levels in 5, in three levels in 3, and four levels in one patient. The mean fol lovv up period vvas 21 ( 18-30 ) months.

At the last follovv- up, vvalking distance has inereased for 8 patients and it vvas 2000 meters vvithout pain in average. Among 11 patients, lovv back pain vvas eliminated in 6, decreased in 2, same in tvvo, and inereased in one case. One patient vvhose pain had inereased, needed to use erutehes for vvalking.

Keywords: Lumbar spinal stenosis, spinal instrumentation, posterolateral fusion.